Lilongwe Airport
Lumbadzi, Lilongwe, Malawi

A brief history of ADL

Airport Developments Limited (ADL) a commercial parastatal wholly owned by the Malawi Government, was incorporated as a private company under the Companies Act in 1977 and initially charged with the responsibility to spearhead the construction and development of the Kamuzu International Airport (KIA), and upon its completion to manage and operate the airport on a commercial basis.  The Company was fundamentally vested with ownership of Kamuzu International Airport.


Following the approval of the extended mandate by Cabinet, and in line with the reforms program ADL is responsible for managing all public airports.

Approved MEMARTS of ADL also provides the same as follows:

  • Manage and develop aerodromes infrastructure;
  • Manage estates and land property;
  • Conduct aviation research, development and innovations;
  • Provide financial management services to sustain the operations of the institution; and
  • Undertake general business trading to promote and enhance aviation-related economic activities.


To facilitate the smooth, safe and secure movement of air travelers and cargo through the provision of world-class infrastructure, services and effective management of airports in an environmentally and sustainable manner for socio-economic development


ADL strives to have the best managed, safe, secure and attractive airports in the SADC Region and beyond.


In achieving its vision and fulfilling its mission, ADL is guided by the following core values which set the behavior standards for its employees on which the company is measured by its stakeholders.


ADL observes professionalism in developing and delivering essential services to its clients and stakeholders in keeping with ethical standards.


ADL is committed to maintaining an environment of trust built upon honesty, ethical behaviour and respect. ADL employees are rewarded for demonstrating integrity.


ADL is committed, individually and collectively as a team to safeguard and protect the safety and health of the travelling public and its members of staff.

Team Work

The approach to teamwork is based on the philosophy that each team member brings to the organization unique experience and expertise to ADL’s operations.


ADL always endeavours to see the achievement of results for all its planned programs to realize its desired results

Customer Focused

ADL puts the needs of its customers and clients as a priority and endeavours to provide its services to exceed their expectations.


ADL is committed to being responsive to the changing needs of its clients in the aviation subsector.

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